First Time Agreement
Please provide us with some important information about your website by filling out the following form.
We will check it out and email you within 48 hours, if everything is okay you can then complete the steps and purchase the service.
Questions And Answers
Some of the common questions about digital marketing strategy services:
In this case, we will send you a confirmation message after checking the website and before starting the project.
If your website is rejected for any reason, we will refund you the money.
About the process, please read our refund policy.
Reason One:
You asked us to be at the top of the search engines but without upgrading your package.
Sometimes, depending on your business field, there are a large number of competitors and your website requires thousands or hundreds of thousands of visits , not to mention the additional SEO requirements that are included in our other packages (Business Marketing Plan, Rocket Marketing Plan, or even Organic Website CTR).
So in this case, will the startup marketing plan be useful? Of course not. It’s like fighting a losing battle.
Reason Two:
Your site content is related to gambling, pornography, alcohol, drugs, or some political/religious objectionable matters.
Here, unfortunately, we cannot work on it.
Yes of course, kindly visit the Contact Us page and use the form, and from the drop-down menu choose the “Cancel Service” option.
Your remaining balance will be calculated from the date of sending your message.